Grand Palais / Palais de la DecouverteNB Since January 2021, the Grand Palais has closed its doors to the general public to prepare itself to welcome the 2024 Olympic Games. A temporary building (below) has been erected on the Champ-de-Mars facing the Eiffel tower, to host exhibitions until after the games.
Galeries Nationales du Grand Palais
3 Avenue du General Eisenhower 75008 PARIS Located in 8th arrondissemont Your closest METRO stations are: Champs-Elysées-Clemenceau
4mins Franklin-D.-Roosevelt
8 mins Invalides
12 mins. The Grand Palais is an impressive stone building crowned with a stunning metal and glass roof. It is situated alongside the Champs-Elysées and was built for the 1900 Universal Exhibition.
Today it plays host to contemporary exhibitions of art, culture, science and technology in its main hall 'La Nef'.. The building is also home to the science museum, the 'Palais de la Decouverte'.
Even if your not into art exhibitions the building itself, which actually contains more steel than the Eiffel Tower, is worth a visit even if just to view it internally. Image source
For more detailed information and to see what's on, visit
Official website for Grand Palais: Website Palais de la Decouverte: |
Other transport options
By river shuttle (Batobus): Champs-Elysées stop
Buses: 28, 42, 52, 63, 72, 73, 80, 83, 93
Station no. 8029, 1,
avenue Franklin-D.-Roosevelt Station: 8001, avenue Dutuit Invalides
12 mins |